Is the Big Switch Off deadline final?
Megabuyte, provider of independent data and insights for UK technology and digital businesses, highlight that as of June 2023, less than 13% had either migrated or were pending migration from legacy services. One of the major reasons they give for lack of action is scepticism that the switch off will actually occur.
For those in doubt, it’s important to remember that the 2025 end date isn’t when the process begins; it’s the final point on a journey which is already very much in progress. The nationwide stop sell means that there’s no going back now, and as this occurred right on schedule, there’s no reason to think that the December 2025 deadline will move.
This deadline is not just on the BT Openreach wish-list, but driven by the fact that the manufacturers of the technology behind the legacy service cannot support this infrastructure, as the components are no longer manufactured.

Why do I need to take action now?
Stop sell has already limited legacy communications technology, as it can no longer expand or adapt alongside your business. The next time you need to add new lines, or make changes to these services, you simply won’t be able to. Not considering your options before this point will severely impact your organisation; don’t be amongst those highlighted by Megabuyte who are in this dangerous situation.
Why do I need to take action now?
Stop sell has already limited legacy communications technology, as it can no longer expand or adapt alongside your business. The next time you need to add new lines, or make changes to these services, you simply won’t be able to. Not considering your options before this point will severely impact your organisation; don’t be amongst those highlighted by Megabuyte who are in this dangerous situation.

What action should I take?
If you’re still using a legacy telephony system, you need to switch as soon as possible. Eventually you will need to move to an alternative solution, but if you’re not ready to upgrade yet, switching to MPF will enable you to maintain your current functionality beyond the switch off date.
Why switch to MPF?
MPF (Metallic Path Facility) is where we are able to take on the copper line between your site and local telephone exchange which is used to deliver both older broadband and legacy voice services. These lines then terminate onto alternative equipment to supply services. Using this approach utilises your existing equipment, so there is minimal disruption and cost impact involved in moving to this technology. MPF won’t go on stop sell until sometime in the next decade, so it will give you plenty of time to prepare for a full transition to Cloud telephony.
Why switch to MPF?
MPF (Metallic Path Facility) is where we are able to take on the copper line between your site and local telephone exchange which is used to deliver both older broadband and legacy voice services. These lines then terminate onto alternative equipment to supply services. Using this approach utilises your existing equipment, so there is minimal disruption and cost impact involved in moving to this technology. MPF won’t go on stop sell until sometime in the next decade, so it will give you plenty of time to prepare for a full transition to Cloud telephony.